Steering Healthy Minds (SHM) is a collaboration between key organisations with interests in the transport industry. All of these organisations recognise that mental health issues in the industry are on the rise and want to offer meaningful support for workers and establish programs and support for employers.
Founder organisations in SHM are Transport Education Audit Compliance Health Organisation (TEACHO), Transport Workers Union QLD (TWU), Queensland Trucking Association (QTA), Queensland Council of Unions (QCU), WorkCover Queensland and TWU Super. We work with organisations and associations to create meaningful mental health solutions for transport industry workers. We recognise the importance of a common understanding and goal and in collaboration to identify and implement programs to prevent mental ill health and support transport workers.
The SHM mission is for a transport sector in which people are safe and healthy in their work. Until this time, we believe workers must be supported through mental health programs. We enable this through Steering Healthy Minds – providing on the ground peer to peer support for transport industry workers.
Our collaboration
In 2018 the SHM Steering Group was formed with the goal of improving the outcomes of worker mental health in the transport industry.
The Steering Group determined there was not enough focus on mental health in the workplace and government regulations are not sufficiently addressing the issues. The Group recognise that mental health is not always visible and there is a reliance on accessing support after the issue has occurred.
The aims of SHM are to normalise the conversation about mental health issues in the same manner as physical injuries, to promote on the ground support for workers who experience mental health concerns, and to support organisations to establish peer to peer mental health programs for workers.
Reducing stigma and normalising mental health, and getting help, in the workplace.
On the ground support for workers who may experience mental health concerns
Organisations to establish peer to peer mental health programs for workers
SHM Journey
Reference Papers
SHM welcome guest presenters with information and insights that may add value. Use the links to access the papers provided to the SHM Working Group by Emma Wyhoon of Modernistic Safety in relation to understanding work-related stressors and managing psychological harm related to workplace stressors.
People employed in the
transport industry in Australia
Of all mental health claims
are made by transport workers
Of people with a mental health
illness do not access treatment
Of truck drivers experience
mental health issues